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Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine

Avian Research Fund

�Mucosal Vaccine Development against Chlamydia psittaci Infections in Avian Species�

Brief description of project/methodology:

The goal of this project is to produce a vaccine that can protect companion bird species against Chlamydia psittaci infections.  We will be using the knowledge obtained in the initial investigation and test a virus vector/in conjunction with DNA vaccination to express the C. psittaci antigens into the bird to produce an immune/protective response.

Benefits to aviculture and/or avian conservation:

-          Reduce human exposure to a disease that is infectious.

-          Reduce infectivity of the disease to companion avian species thereby decreasing deaths associated with the disease.

-          Protection of birds and owners that exhibit at shows and attend bird fairs.


Dr. Thomas N. Tully, Jr.

Louisiana State University � School of Veterinary Medicine

Department VCS

South Stadium Road

Baton Rouge, LA 70803


Institute                                                                        Degree            DateAwarded

Louisiana State University                               B.S.                 May, 1982

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine               D.V.M.             May, 1986

Louisiana State University                                  M.S.               May, 1991

Specialty Board Certification

American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Avian)                   March, 1998


Professional Experience:

Institute Rank Period of Appt.

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Instructor 1987-1991

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Asst. Prof. 1991-1996

LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Asso. Prof. 1996-present

Links to Articles

Previous Research or Avian Projects: (For space purposes I have only listed projects within the last 5 years)

1.       August 1995. Primary-investigator. Potential Use of Chlamydial 18 kDa Adhesion Protein and Major Outer Membrane Protein as a Vaccine Against Chlamydia psittaci Infections in Agriculture and Companion Avian Species.

2.       January 1996. Primary-investigator. Comparison of Standard Oiled Bird Rehabilitation to the Use of Microbe Impregnated Surfactant on Oiled Birds. Louisiana Remediation Co., Inc.

3.       August 1996. Primary-investigator. Blood Serum Collection in Cockatiels for Evaluation of a DNA Probe Test for Detection of Chlamydia psittaci. Avian Research Associates Laboratory.

4.       August 1996. Co-investigator. Blood Plasma and Fecal Collection in Five Quaker Parrots (Myiopsitta monachus) for Evaluation of a DNA Probe Test for Detection of Chlamydia psittaci. Georgia Research Foundation.

5.       September 1996. Primary-investigator. Establishing an Avian Research Breeding Colony. Gulf South Bird Club, South Alabama Aviculture Society.

6.       January 1998. Co-investigator. Evaluation of a DNA test probe for Chlamydia psittaci in companion bird species.  Georgia Research Foundation.

7.       June 1998. Establishment of normal serum zinc, lead, iron and copper levels in Hispanolian Parrots (Amazona ventralis).  South Alabama Caged Bird Society.

8.       November 1998. Primary investigator.  Evaluation of probiotic supplements in growing psittacine birds.  Pet-Ag Inc.

9.       January 1999. Co-investigator.  Comparison of cardiorespiratory parameters and core temperatures using a rebreathing circle system with intermittent positive pressure ventilation versus a nonrebreathing system with spontaneous ventilation during isoflurane anesthesia in Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots.  Hallowell Engineering and Manufacturing Corporation.

10.     February 1999. Co-investigator. Evaluating surgical thermal support on Amazon Parrots.  Louisiana Aviculture Society.

11.     February 1999.Co-inmvestigator. Intradermal skin testing in Hispanolian parrots (Amazona ventralis) Mardi Gras Aviculture Conference.

12.     June 1999. Establishing and Maintaining a Scientific Research Colony of Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots. Kaytee Avian Foundation.

13.     September 2000. Foil CS, Colombini S, Heatley JJ, Tully TN, Daigle J, Hosgood G. Intradermal skin Testing in Amazona parrots � Establishing a protocol Association of Avian Veterinarians.

Summary of funding needed:

- Molecular biology supplies and material for vaccine development and testing  


Donor or Donor Organization Name:



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How the check should be addressed

The LSU Foundation

* A notation should be made on the check and in the cover letter that the monies are a contribution to Dr. Tully�s Avian Research Program.

If Credit Card, Please circle Visa MC Card #___________________________

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Signature: _______________________________________

Please forward  to:

Dr. Thomas N. Tully, Jr.

Louisiana State University � School of Veterinary Medicine

Department VCS

South Stadium Road

Baton Rouge, LA 70803