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Links to Avian Research, Education and Conservation Projects:

Nicaragua Parrot Surveys   David A. Wiedenfeld. The[parrot] survey this year was a repetition of a survey done in December 1994 and January 1995.  On that survey, we recorded 3,592 individuals on 237 counts. Nicaragua has a total of 14 species of parrots�the family Psittacidae, including the parakeets, macaws, amazons, and the like...  They include the larger species such as the Great Green Macaw and the beautiful Scarlet Macaw; ... the Yellow-naped ... and Red-lored Amazon; and smaller species such as the Peach-fronted and Brown-shouldered parakeets.  

The Hyacinth Macaw Project 1996-1997  Heather Bowles,senior veterinary student,Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, a reprinted article from the Proceedings of the IAS, January, 1997.The objectives of this study were to asses the Hyacinth Macaw population and area of southern Piaui, in northeastern Brasil, collect information concerning the diet, and study the physical condition of chicks. In addition, we collect preliminary data concerning nest cavity temperature and relative humidity, nest dimensions, and nest distribution in the cliffs.

Field Studies of African Grey Parrots in the Central African Republic Diana L. May, Department of Psychology, Psychobiology Program, University of Arizona.Reprinted rom the Proceedings of the International Aviculturists Society, January 1996, Orlando, FL. Study  goals: to assess the feasibility of a long-term field study of African Grey Parrot behavior and to collect preliminary information necessary for the design and implementation of ecotourism as a conservation strategy for African Grey Parrots.

Communication with Parrots Meet Dr. Irene Pepperberg and Alex, an african grey. Also provides links to various articles about animal/avian behavior.








